Celebrating GSV Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Luis von Ahn

Luis von Ahn, Co-Founder and CEO of global EdTech disruptor Duolingo, invisible learning pioneer, and passionate advocate for universal access to quality education, named GSV's 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.

Duolingo has established itself as the most valuable AND the highest impact public education technology company in the world. With its $9B public market value, 83M monthly active users (up 47% from last year), and over 24M daily users (up 63% from last year), Luis and Duolingo broke the mold of traditional learning and assessment, making their learning delivery fun, gamified, interactive, and “invisible” to the engaged learner.

Duolingo epitomizes the GSV thesis that companies delivering a high “Return on Education” (increasing access and lowering costs) will drive High Return on Investment. The company also remains at the forefront of the AI in Education Revolution. Believing that “AI & education make a great duo,” Duolingo was one of OpenAI’s first EdTech partners and believes that AI will ensure that a high-quality education will be available to everyone in the world. Duolingo proves that you can do well by doing good.

A renowned Carnegie Mellon computer scientist, Luis is the co-inventor of CAPTCHA, founder of reCAPTCHA, and one of the pioneers of crowdsourcing. Born in Guatemala City, Luis is also a MacArthur fellow, sold two companies to Google in his 20s, and was recently inducted into the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame. As a Founder wholly aligned with the GSV mission that ALL people deserve equal access to the future, we could not be prouder to award Luis our Lifetime Achievement Award.