Center Stage - Close the Side Door to the American Dream

On Monday, April 8 at 2pm in San Diego, ASU President Michael Crow, Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Beverly Daniel Tatum, President Emerita, Spellman College and author of Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Will discuss the horrifying college admissions scandal, its impact on all parts of the population and what good might possibly come from this crisis. On learning of the scandal, Arne Duncan eloquently commented “Your kid is already born on third base and you feel like you have to steal home?” Frank Bruni’s weekend article “The Moral Wages of the College Admissions Mania” brilliantly captured many of the disturbing undertones; he would be a superb moderator of this important conversation.

Facilitator: Clark Gilbert, President, BYU-Pathway


Beverly Daniel Tatum, President Emerita, Spelman College

Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University

Arne Duncan, Managing Partner, Emerson Collective and Former United States Secretary of Education. Advisor, GSV AcceleraTE Fund