Corporations Leaning In: Bringing 21st Century Learning to K-12

The onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - as labeled by the World  Economic Forum - is characterized by the rapid incorporation of automation and artificial intelligence into nearly every sector of society. While we don’t yet know what the ultimate impact of this Revolution will be on the future workforce, one result is widely agreed upon: for workers to thrive, they will need to be agile, creative, and critical thinkers, who are comfortable in diverse and interdisciplinary environments.

As jobs increasingly rely on these skills, many corporations find their available talent pool shrinking. While companies are increasingly meeting this skillset gap by creating their own rigorous training programs to develop the skilled workforce they need, some of the most forward-thinking are opting to bring their expertise directly to the K-12 system. In this session, hear from two such companies - Microsoft and Virgin Hyperloop - about the unique value they are able to bring to K-12 systems, and why they believe this is not just giving back, but strategic for their future success.

Moderator: Jason Gaulden


Ryan Kelly

Corey Mohn

Tyson Grover

Jim Federico