K-12 Education as Economic Development | ASU+GSV Summit 2024

Randall L. Woodfin (Mayor, City of Birmingham), Donna Deegan (Mayor, City of Jacksonville), Corban Tillemann-Dick (Founder and CEO, Maybell Quantum), Katie Jenner (Secretary of Education, Indiana Department of Education), and Nickolas Rodriguez (CEO, Delivery Associates) at the ASU+GSV Summit.

The strength of the talent pipeline for jobs of the future relies on the strength of our K-12 schools. More and more, leaders recognize this. For example, the Biden Administration recently named 31 finalists for Tech Hubs designation, more than half of which plan to deepen connections between K-12 schools and quantum industries. The CHIPS and Science Act puts $280B in funding on the table to support regional economic development and innovation and technology hubs that create good jobs, revitalize American manufacturing, and lift up communities that have historically been left behind. Incorporating K-12 is a winning strategy.