K12 Program Edtech Equity Challenges Closing the Gap

Is Edtech increasing equity gaps?  What does learning science and new understanding of learner variability tell us about these gaps and how to close them?  And what can entrepreneurs and product designers do about it?

Over the past several decades, the student population in the United States has grown more diverse. More recently, research from the learning sciences has advanced our understanding of learner variability and the importance of grounding educational design and practice in the individual — rather than the fiction of an average student.  Additionally, technological innovation has moved closer to realizing the promise of evidence-based personalization. This panel will bring together leading experts to discuss how equity gaps in edtech are playing out and what research and design can do to close these gaps.

Moderator: Michael Horn - Chief Strategy Officer, Entangled Group


Susan Enfield - Superintendent, Highline Public Schools

Vic Vuchic - Chief Innovation Officer and Executive Director of the Learner Variability Project, Digital Promise Global

Dr. Bruce McCandliss - Professor of Education, Psychology, and Neuroscience, Stanford University

Dr. Liz Brooke - Chief Learning Officer, Lexia Learning and Rosetta Stone