Power of Women

Jeanne Allen

Founder & CEO

Center for Education Reform

Jeanne Allen is Founder & CEO of the Center for Education Reform, the pioneer for expanding innovation and opportunity in education since 1993. In 2021, Jeanne co-created and launched the Yass Prize for Sustainable, Transformational, Outstanding, and Permissionless Education, a $50 million initiative spanning four years, resulting in more than 14 million new and diverse learning opportunities for students. Today the STOP for Education Initiative works with Yass Prize alumni to transform education across the US. Jeanne began her education and policy career on Capitol Hill, served as a senior official in the U.S. Department of Education and has collaborated with numerous ed tech to expand the reach of innovative educational programs and services.She received her bachelors from Dickinson College and masters from the University of Pennsylvania. She played advisory roles in the creation of the Master’s in Education Entrepreneurship Program at UPenn and the StartED Accelerator. She is also a GSV OG.A frequent speaker and commentator in the press, Jeanne Allen is a contributor to Forbes, publishes a weekly newsletter on Substack entitled Forza and authored An Unfinished Journey: Education & the American Dream (2020). She has been widely recognized in and out of policy and political circles, including as one of Working Mother’s Most Powerful Moms in Education and with the Champion Award by the Black Alliance for Educational Options.