We're thrilled to announce the 2024 AI Classroom Innovators, an inaugural cohort of pioneering educators who are set to transform the future of learning with AI.

Our 2024 AI Classroom Innovators will be leading hands-on workshops at THE SHOW @ ASU+GSV, sharing their groundbreaking AI integration techniques, offering practical insights, and inspiring educators to explore the potential of AI in their classrooms.

Please join us in congratulating the inaugural cohort of AI Classroom Innovators!

About AI Classroom Innovators

As part of the inaugural ASU+GSV Show, we’re establishing a cohort of exemplary AI Classroom Innovators: a group of passionate and pioneering educators who want to share their AI experience with others!

In addition to leading a workshop at ASU+GSV Show in San Diego, those selected will:

  • Join the prestigious 2024 AI Classroom Innovators cohort
  • Receive a custom social media toolkit to brand yourself as an AI in EDU leader
  • Be recognized in wide-reaching industry publications
  • Participate in quarterly gatherings to share ideas + steer the wider AI in EDU conversation