Alan Safran (SAGA Innovations), Philip Cutler (Paper), Bertie Hubbard (MyTutor), Rahul Kalita (Tutored by Teachers), Susanna Loeb (Brown University), and Brian Grey (Remind) explore A.D. Can High Dosage Tutoring (HDT) be the Panacea for Learning Loss? At the 2021 ASU+GSV Summit.While there's a mad dash for students to resume learning in traditional classroom settings, it appears that afterschool tutoring will be forever transformed by a move to digital. This panel will illuminate the ways that tutoring has evolved over the course of the past year and a half; at the same time, our panelists will address just how tutoring companies can work alongside schools to address gaps created by the pandemic—and to capitalize upon learning innovations that students and teachers have developed in the crucible of virtual and hybrid learning.