We've Partnered with The $1K Project For Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

March 21, 2022

In a world where we believe that ALL people deserve an equal opportunity to participate in the future, there is nothing more heartbreaking than helplessly watching what is happening to the innocent citizens of Ukraine. In an effort to create an opportunity for direct impact on individual Ukrainians, GSV has partnered with The 1K Project for Ukraine.

This is a direct giving model manned by volunteers so there are no fees or overhead deducted from contributions. TransferWise, the payment agent, has also waived fees for all Ukrainian recipients. Donations go directly to individuals who are residents or refugees.

We hope to raise $100,000 from the ASU+GSV Community. To that end,  the campaign is seeded with a $25,000 match on the first $25,000 of donations. Gifts can be made in any amount.

Having launched Project 1K Ukraine two weeks ago, the effort has received great coverage including from Dan Primack of Axios. As a result, Project 1K has already raised over $2.8MM in committed funds and sent $1,000 in funding to over 2,350 Ukrainian families in need but over 45,000 families and individuals have applied so there is a large gap to fill.


How it works: Go to www.1Kproject.org/gsv and complete the short form to pledge your support for a family in need in Ukraine. Later you will receive a follow up message with information on a family, including name, location and Ukraine band card information to complete your one time, direct donation.

  • Once you've completed the form you will receive a message from the $1K team who will outline the instructions to send them the money, using a website called Wise, directly to a family.
  • There will be a few steps to set up a new account, including ID verification.

Thank you so much for your consideration. We at GSV are so grateful to stand amidst this extraordinary and generous community.
