Tuesday, April 16, 2024

10:10 am
10:50 am
Harbor G, Level 2
Career Mobility and Readiness
Alternative Pathways
Adult Consumer Learning
Pre-K to Gray
Workforce Learning

Work-based Learning: Workforce Identities and Future-ready Learners

In today’s world, with increasingly multicultural, multiracial, and multilingual identities, it is now the responsibility of the employers and other career readiness practitioners to create spaces where youth can build workforce identities and acquire the skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Research has shown that early work-based learning experiences can be an indicator for increased middle and high school engagement and long-term sustainable employment. However, in order for these experiences to play a meaningful role in a youth’s long-term education or career trajectory, it’s critical that youth feel like the experiences are laddering up to a professional, hire-worthy workforce identity. The question is, how do we effectively embed workplace identity and durable skills development in our career-connected programs? Join panelists as they share models that prioritize future readiness skills and learn how innovators are planning & executing skills-forward programs. Also, gain valuable insights into what employers are seeking and join the broader conversations on effective strategies for developing essential skill sets among students and employers to better prepare them to be “future ready.”