Bodo Hoenen

Chief Innovation Officer (CIO)


Bodo Hoenen is a dynamic leader in the field of collective intelligence and AI applied to education technology. As the co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) of NOLEJ, he has made significant strides in developing generative AI for education. His passion for creating innovative solutions for learning is rooted in his entrepreneurial journey, which includes working within refugee camps and slums across the world and the successful sale of his previous Learning Management System startup to Google.Bodo's current focus is on accelerating the rate at which we learn and apply that knowledge to innovate, essentially transforming the way we approach education and problem-solving.Bodo's vision and relentless pursuit of innovation in education technology have positioned him as a thought leader in the field. His work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in education, paving the way for a future where learning and innovation is more accessible, engaging, and effective. LinkedIn: