Danny Martin



Danny is a visionary and thought-leader in the esports industry.As the CEO and Cofounder of Esposure Inc, he has aided in theprofessional development of students, interns, and post-graduates. Thesestudents have received esports scholarships and employmentfrom acclaimed Universities and esports Organizations like CentralMethodist University, Complexity Gaming, Pacers Gaming, andMavs Gaming. Furthermore, he has provided opportunities for manyesports players to play with professional franchises. Danny's passionfor helping others has allowed him to speak at several high schoolsand universities, on panels in front of thousands of individuals. In hispursuit of connecting everyone to esports, he maintains relationshipswith the NBA, NFL, & music industry. Danny is always ready totalk about esports and is on a mission of helping 20,000 esportsenthusiasts by 2025.