Jemina Bernard

President & Chief Operating Officer

Teach for America

Jemina R. Bernard, a graduate of Yale University and Columbia Business School, began her career in education twenty years ago, after stints in global business consulting and community development. In one of her previous positions as CEO of ROADS Charter High Schools, she led the start-up of two NYC charter high schools serving more than 400 students who are over-age, under-credited, mostly court-involved, homeless, in foster care and/or in child-protective services. She also served as Executive Director at Student Leadership Network, where she managed a network of all girls’ public schools and a college access program.At Teach For America, Jemina previously held leadership positions as the New York Executive Director, Senior Vice President of Regional Operations, and as Chief of National Community Impact. Prior to joining TFA’s staff in 2007, Jemina worked at the New York City Department of Education, with increasing levels of responsibility, ultimately taking the position of Chief Operating Officer in the Office of New Schools.In all her roles and organizations, Jemina brings a passion for equity and social justice that is rooted in her own upbringing as an African-American, Puerto Rican woman who grew up in the South Bronx and went on to graduate from Ivy League schools. Jemina dedicates her time, talent, and voice to fight for equity and access while serving as a role model and mentor for emerging senior leaders, especially women of color given her own background.
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