Joleen Liang


Squirrel AI

Joleen Liang, co-founder of Squirrel Ai Learning and a distinguished academic with a Ph.D. in Intelligent Science and Systems has significantly contributed to the fields of AI and adaptive learning. As a visiting professor at The Research Institute for Innovation and Technology in Education (UNIR iTED), she focuses on personalized learning and the application of AI in education. Joleen’s company Squirrel Ai Learning recently announced the World’ 1st All-disciplined Large Adaptive Model (LAM) platform which integrates adaptive learning and large model. She has led the promotion of smart education public school project and AI Intelligent hardware, which has served 60,000+ full-time primary and secondary schools nationwide. The company Squirrel Ai has  brought AI intelligent learning systems/hardwares to more than 20 million users. Joleen has spoken at World Summit AI together with Yoshua Bengio and Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director General for Education,UNESCO. Joleen was also invited to speak  at IJCAI, ACM KDD, ACM UMAP, Tsinghua University, New York University Shanghai, Harvard University Education Dept., Slush, TechCrunch, UBS Investor Conference, SFT, Global Smart Education Summit, BETT and other domestic and international summits, and interviewed by Bloomberg and other media.

In 2020, Joleen and Squirrel Ai was honored ‘AI Education Innovation Award’ by UNESCO. Squirrel Ai’s case study in online learning was published in UNESCO reports.