Julie Daniel Davis enjoys thinking about innovative ways to enhance education and then making them happen. 15 years in the k12 setting with the last role being Director of Instructional Technology and Innovation led to being an educational consultant, advocate for voice technology use in education, and an adjunct Edtech professor at UT Chattanooga. Julie strives at meeting the individual needs of students and teachers while taking them forward in their growth as lifelong learners. Somewhat of a futurist, she is never content with the “now of education. As a CoSN Certified Education Technology Leader (CETL), strives to find ways to help teachers, students, and administrators in using technology to support teaching and learning. Julie was recognized by Amazon Alexa in their “Women in Voice” series and also as an Amazon Alexa Champion. Most recently, Julie has joined some amazing Edtech startup gurus to bring to fruition an edtech tool she’s dreamed of into a reality. Currently CheckForU is a MVP ready to be embraced by educators everywhere. For more information see www.CheckForU.com.