Matt manages unique collaborative efforts across 660+ institutions in the Council of Independent Colleges, including the launch of an AI network (spanning 100 colleges and reaching over 10,000 faculty and staff) and an inclusive excellence network supporting student Belonging impacting tens of thousands of students. Industry veterans look to Matt when they need a partner both to imagine a new future and to help actually get there. With over 25 years in education, Dr. Trainum has worked with governing boards, presidents, cabinets, and entire campus communities on strategic initiatives, innovation, and change readiness, always looking at the structures needed to support real change in a new era of higher education. Matt holds a Doctorate in Education from The George Washington University with a focus on disruptive innovation in higher education, exploring how leadership teams move forward with significant change despite resistance and uncertainty. He also holds a Master of Science from Texas A&M University, and a Bachelor of Arts in history from James Madison University.