Scott Fleming
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
A. Scott Fleming is the Director of the State Council on Higher Education for Virginia, the state's coordinating council for higher education. In this role he works closely with 39 public two- and four-year public institutions of higher education, as well as the 28 private, nonprofit members of the Council of Independent Colleges of Virginia, and the hundreds of other higher education institutions offering credentials or degrees in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He has previously worked in the public, private for-profit and nonprofit sectors and has served on the board of numerous education related companies. Before joining SCHEV, he most recently served as Chief Strategy Officer for Teaching Strategies, a part of the KKR family of companies. He has participated in or directed in more than 30 private education investment deals with more than $1.5 billion of capital involved and has led commercial deals in countries all over the world, including the UAE, India, and Brazil.