Wyman Khuu

Head of Learning Engineering


Wyman is the Head of Learning Engineering for Playlab and focuses on creating equitable and meaningful access to AI tools working in collaboration with educators, schools, and non profit organizations. He is passionate about democratizing who gets to shape emerging technologies like AI and is dedicated to making sure these tools are accessible and impactful for all communities in safe and responsible ways. Prior to Playlab, Wyman spent 10 years in education as the Senior Director of STEM for KIPP NYC and as a nationally award winning teacher science teacher. He built and scaled integrated computational thinking curriculum for diverse learners in addition to building systems to provide high quality phenomena based STEM instruction to all students. He also spent time as a volleyball coach at the University of Michigan, Google, and Burson-Marsteller before getting into education. Out of work, Wyman runs a nonprofit youth volleyball organization, loves trying new restaurants and visiting different parts of the world, and is an aspiring amateur photographer and cyclist.

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