Goldie Blumenstyk

Contributing Writer

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Goldie Blumenstyk is one of the nation’s leading experts on higher education. During her 36-year career at The Chronicle of Higher Education she won multiple awards from the Education Writers Association; reported from China, Europe, Israel, and Peru; and also contributed to The New York Times and USA Today. A frequent speaker at conferences and guest on public-radio shows and C-SPAN, she is the author of the Washington Post best-selling book American Higher Education in Crisis? What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2015). At the Chronicle Goldie covered politics, business, technology, and academic research and authored major reports on “The Adult Student,” and “Career-Ready Education,” and the opening essays for “Higher Education in 2035” and “The Innovation Imperative.” In the six years before September 2024, she wrote “The Edge” newsletter on the ideas, people, and trends that are changing the higher-education landscape. She is now a Chronicle contributing writer. Before joining The Chronicle, Goldie was the city hall reporter at The Orlando Sentinel, where she worked for eight years. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Colgate University in 1979 and a master’s in 1980 at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

2:10 pm
2:50 pm

Lightning Stage

Fireside Chat

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

3:00 pm
3:40 pm

Policy and Power

Fireside Chat