Tuesday, April 8, 2025

2:10 pm
2:50 pm
Seaport Ballroom F-G, Level 2
Lightning Stage
Fireside Chat
Higher Education

On the Horizon: Higher Ed’s Burning Trends with The Chronicle of Higher Ed

The experiences of the last few years have shaken loose many of higher education’s conceptual mainstays. Leaders in the sector have been forced to reconsider its assumptions and traditions. To better understand what’s next, The Chronicle’s Ian Wilhelm and Goldie Blumenstyk will present trends that colleges – and those that work with colleges in the K-12 space or as technology partners -- must be on the watch for. Ian and Goldie will be joined by ASU Provost Nancy Gonzales.  

The conversation will build off The Chronicle’s 2025 Trends Report, an annual report considered a must-read by many, and focusing on what they mean for academic reinvention, EdTech, and campus strategy.