Monday, April 15, 2024

3:00 pm
3:40 pm
Coronado E, Level 4
Global Higher Education
Higher Education

Agents of Change: The Innovation Leaders Transforming Higher Education

Leaders in higher education find themselves at the forefront of innovation, steering their institutions through shifting policy landscapes, unprecedented technological change in the form of GenAI, and sharpened public focus on the ROI of earning a college degree. This rapidly evolving landscape has given rise to a multitude of specialized roles from Chief Digital Transformation Officers to Chancellor for Academic Innovation. Join us for an exclusive panel featuring prominent leaders in higher education alongside the creators of the Leading Academic Change National Survey 2.0. How do these new roles and the visionaries holding them drive meaningful changes that foster student and institutional success? What are these leaders actually responsible for and how have their portfolios evolved? What barriers do the individuals in these roles face? Data from the Leading Academic Change National Survey 2.0 provides a fresh perspective to inform this conversation. Participants in this session will not only gain insights from the survey but will also have the opportunity to reflect on and share their own academic innovation endeavors. Join us in the exploration of this new era of leadership, where collaboration and insight converge to chart the course for a brighter future in higher education.