Wednesday, April 17, 2024

10:10 am
10:50 am
Harbor G, Level 2
Career Mobility and Readiness
Pre-K to Gray
Alternative Pathways
Equality + Access

Teen Work Based Learning: Expanding Opportunity and Credentialing Valuable Experiences

Amid a rapidly changing job market, there's a rising demand for real-world learning to improve student engagement and workforce readiness. However, systemic barriers to expansion of work-based learning for teens makes access to opportunity a challenge. To compound matters, the value of such experiences is often inadequately communicated through traditional transcripts and resumes. As trends in K-12 focus move more in the direction of authentic, career-connected experiences, shifting from a discussion of “why” to “how” is essential. Join a conversation that will examine why expansion must be a policy priority. Panelists will discuss the evolving trend of credentialing learning experiences plus provide tactical guidance for engaging learners in employer-led challenges or integrate practical projects into curricula and how to forge industry partnerships.